Registres de l'Eglise Aristotélicienne
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Reception of the officiants ( priests, deacons...)

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Reception of the officiants ( priests, deacons...) Empty Reception of the officiants ( priests, deacons...)

Message par nsaymar Jeu 11 Déc - 18:45

A lot (epoch) priest (sse) of the Church Aristotélicienne,

First of all, in the name of all clergy of the Aristotélicienne Romaine and universal Church, I welcome you and I thank you for having come (e) to consult our General Registers!

As priest (sse), you can be here in double title:

First of all with the intention of consulting Registers to prove some things before celebrating a ceremony, also I invite you to read the prospectus devoted to all visitors before continuing. He will be very useful to you and avoid me repeating me.

Then, you perhaps came here with the intention of recording a sacrament. And it is very well, because it is just here that it is necessary to make it. Not here in reception but here in Registers... And I go therefore, to thank you for having made displacement, for explain you the walk to be followed (who is very simple I reassure you right away).

These Registers are based on the responsibility of the bishops and the respect for their autonomy as regards the management of their diocese. So every bishop sees himself allocating all rights on the registers of his own diocese: organisation, management, delegation and all that it is possible to include in the field of the archiving of the certificates of sacraments. However every bishop is also representative for the keeping of the registers of his own diocese: updated, accuracy of data, tidying up and all toutim.

It is however these two reasons it is to your bishop that it will be necessary you to contact for any question relating to the recording which you want to perform! And if recording concerns another diocese than the one to which you are attached, it will then be necessary you to contact to the bishop responsible for this other diocese of course. For it, you can consult the list of dioceses aristotéliciens and so connaitre name of the persons to contact. But it is also possible to find the names of the representatives for every diocese in the Provincial Registers, it are written in front of the corridor correspondant*.

You are agreed recommended to ask to make register your name in front of the corridor corresponding to your diocese to be able to record more simply the sacraments which you celebrate, for it also ask your bishop. To note that sometimes this is not the bishop who manages it but one of his delegates **.

On it, I wish you a good visit of Registers Aristotéliciens!
That Very High guides you!

Made in Rome, on October 25th, 1456.
MRGROAR VON VALENDRAS, National Cardinal Voter of the Pontifical Consistory French speaker, Archdeacon of Rome, Chaplain of the Province of bourges, Big Teutonic Prior of the Order and... Chief representative for Registers Aristotéliciens.

Nombre de messages : 3
Paroisse : bourg
Charges au sein de l'Eglise : scrypteur de la sainte office/traducteur
Date d'inscription : 19/11/2008

Fiche d'Etat-Civil
Baptisé(e): Non
Marié(e): Non
Mort(e): Non

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Reception of the officiants ( priests, deacons...) Empty Re: Reception of the officiants ( priests, deacons...)

Message par Villef Lun 22 Juin - 20:12

I couldn't find any better place to tell my problem, so I'll do it here. If this is wrong place, feel free to delete my post and send me PM with info.

Today, me and Siidiuss were ordained by cardinal Rehael. The same day I already baptised one of our faihfuls in Rauma, Duchy of Finland. I was told to report it here, but as we don't have any bishop, diocese or anything, I don't know where to report. Please point the right place for me Smile


Nombre de messages : 4
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2009

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Reception of the officiants ( priests, deacons...) Empty Re: Reception of the officiants ( priests, deacons...)

Message par Arthur de Nivellus Jeu 1 Oct - 14:09

Good morning my Father!

I would recommend at you look first of all if Bishopric where you called is not => here http: // / registres-provinciaux-c1/

if you do not find said it me, I would ask in that there are there as well as the parishes of this Bishopric...
Arthur de Nivellus
Arthur de Nivellus

Nombre de messages : 186
Age : 35
Paroisse : Vienne
Charges au sein de l'Eglise : Archevêque Métropolitain de Vienne, Vice Primat du CESE
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2008

Fiche d'Etat-Civil
Baptisé(e): Oui Oui
Marié(e): Ordonné(e) - Mariage impossible
Mort(e): Non

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Reception of the officiants ( priests, deacons...) Empty Re: Reception of the officiants ( priests, deacons...)

Message par Villef Ven 2 Oct - 18:45

Thank you for the answer. Cardinal Dunpeal has already taken care of this, so we have our registers already.

Thanks for the answer anyway, Father.


Nombre de messages : 4
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2009

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Reception of the officiants ( priests, deacons...) Empty Re: Reception of the officiants ( priests, deacons...)

Message par Arthur de Nivellus Dim 4 Oct - 20:49

With pleasure! I am in charge from now of reception in English, at least, I am going to try I do not speak English definitely (use of an online translator) but I would make of my the best to be useful and help our English-speaking brothers!

Good day
Arthur de Nivellus
Arthur de Nivellus

Nombre de messages : 186
Age : 35
Paroisse : Vienne
Charges au sein de l'Eglise : Archevêque Métropolitain de Vienne, Vice Primat du CESE
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2008

Fiche d'Etat-Civil
Baptisé(e): Oui Oui
Marié(e): Ordonné(e) - Mariage impossible
Mort(e): Non

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Reception of the officiants ( priests, deacons...) Empty Re: Reception of the officiants ( priests, deacons...)

Message par Dunpeal Dim 11 Oct - 10:01


Nombre de messages : 18
Paroisse : Guarda
Charges au sein de l'Eglise : Cardinal Chancelier
Date d'inscription : 28/10/2008

Fiche d'Etat-Civil
Baptisé(e): Oui Oui
Marié(e): Ordonné(e) - Mariage impossible
Mort(e): Non

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Reception of the officiants ( priests, deacons...) Empty Re: Reception of the officiants ( priests, deacons...)

Message par Arthur de Nivellus Dim 11 Oct - 19:03

Ohhhhh!!! You!!!! Here??? Nice to meet you!!! Smile
Arthur de Nivellus
Arthur de Nivellus

Nombre de messages : 186
Age : 35
Paroisse : Vienne
Charges au sein de l'Eglise : Archevêque Métropolitain de Vienne, Vice Primat du CESE
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2008

Fiche d'Etat-Civil
Baptisé(e): Oui Oui
Marié(e): Ordonné(e) - Mariage impossible
Mort(e): Non

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Reception of the officiants ( priests, deacons...) Empty Re: Reception of the officiants ( priests, deacons...)

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Contenu sponsorisé

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