Registres de l'Eglise Aristotélicienne
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Visitors' Reception

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Message par MrGroar Dim 16 Nov - 14:06

Dear Visitor,

First, on behalf of all the clergy of the Church Universal and Roman Aristotelian, I welcome you and thank you for coming to consult our general registers!

Here you will find:

* Register of baptisms
* Register of Marriages
* Register of deaths
* Register of ordinations
* Register of blessings

And probably many other things ...

However, the archiving of these sacraments is performed by each bishop and archbishop responsible for his own diocese or archdiocese, each certificate is stored according to the diocese where the sacrament took place. So you will not find here the register of all baptisms: you should seek the certificate of baptism you want in the diocese where you think it took place. To facilitate this research, Provincial Register are then ordered by archdiocese or diocese, and if you do not know what Diocese is in what Province or what Parish is in what Diocese, you have available this map of Provinces, Dioceses and Parishes of the Aristotelian Church*; and if you want to view records on your parish and you do not know where to look, go to your church and check the information board, as this will help you greatly to know where to look.

In the event that the sacrament in which you want to get the certificate has been celebrated in a Noble's Chapel **, you should consult the Registry of nobility. However, the bishop of the diocese responsible for the chapel which is attached may also keep records of this chapel in the Provincial Register.

After all, if you can not find what you want, you can always contact an archivist who can help you. Finally, a great search tool is available, do not hesitate to use it because it can often make a rapid solution to all your research problems, even if you do not know the name of the chapel, who received a sacrament or the priest who officiated.

In case you have not always found:
- Make sure you've searched ...
- Contact the team of the diocese your search involves by sending a private message to someone part of that good group.
- As a last resort, you can still apply directly to the Reception, but beware, archivists and bishops have a lot of work ...

Finally, let me also mention the existence of an annex of the Pontifical Consistories where you can find the decisions of the Curia regarding special cases: marriage annulment, bans on re-marriage, excommunications .. .

Of this, I wish you a pleasant visit to the Aristotelian Records!
That the Most High will guide you!

Done in Rome on 25 October 1456.
MrGroar Von Valendras, Cardinal National Elector of the French Pontifical Consistory, Archdeacon of Rome, Vicar General of the Province of Bourges, Grand Prior of the Teutonic Order and ... Chief of Aristotelian Records.

Visitors' Reception Sceauj

* If the map can not be displayed: Arm yourself with patience and come back later ...

** A chapel is a noble chapel Parendo Res (RP = Roleplay) located in an area of a stronghold belonging to a noble. Note that a noble chapel must be linked to a diocese and must be consecrated and held by a chaplain before being eligible to be a sacred place

Nombre de messages : 55
Age : 44
Paroisse : Un peu partout à la fois
Charges au sein de l'Eglise : Cardinal National Electeur francophone, Vicaire Général de Bourges, Grand Prieur de l'Ordre Teutoniq
Date d'inscription : 25/10/2008

Fiche d'Etat-Civil
Baptisé(e): Oui Oui
Marié(e): Ordonné(e) - Mariage impossible
Mort(e): Non

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