Registres de l'Eglise Aristotélicienne
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Reception of the Bishops and Archbishops

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Reception of the Bishops and Archbishops Empty Reception of the Bishops and Archbishops

Message par nsaymar Jeu 11 Déc - 18:55

Dear associates and dear colleagues, monsignors,

First of all, in the name of all clergy of the Aristotélicienne Romaine and universal Church, I welcome you and I thank you for having come (e) to consult our General Registers!

Before going farther, I invite you to the prospectus devoted to all visitors and also to read the prospectus devoted to the officiants before continuing.

As you owe knowledge now, the Registers of the Church Aristotélicienne are centralised now in an universal way. And it is you all, bishops and archbishops, that are made responsible for managing it. And there some smiles on your faces are already seen and some rales of pleasure on behalf of some are heard, because you are happy and proud of this new official attribution! But I reassure right away most faignants of you, you are agreed possible to delegate this load to a clerk of your diocese. However you remain nevertheless the ultimate representative of him good manners of the Registers of your Diocese, and this it is not negotiable. Pouet.

In return of this ungrateful try who is from now on devolved to you, he is left to you any degree of latitude in your personal organisation: alphabetic, chronological or parish classification, colours or not, delegation to your priests or to other clerks, etc... It is not tremendous life? You can even ask me to customise the corridor corresponding to your diocese to your guide: illustration, text, etc... On the contrary, I cannot grant you of additional corridor, this because of lack of locaux*.

To give you fulls-powers on your corridor, you have at your disposal all necessary keys. To get them, nothing simpler, it is enough to ask for them me! If required, every bishop can indeed have his name writes roughly in the top of the list of the representatives for every corridor **. The archbishops have in addition to their name in even bigger in the path *** regrouping all corridors of its archdiocese. It is then up to you to make register the names of the lower representatives ****.

On it, I wish you a good management of Registers Aristotéliciens!
That Very High guides you!

Made in Rome, on October 25th, 1456.
MRGROAR VON VALENDRAS, National Cardinal Voter of the Pontifical Consistory French speaker, Archdeacon of Rome, Chaplain of the Province of bourges, Big Teutonic Prior of the Order and... Chief representative for Registers Aristotéliciens.

Nombre de messages : 3
Paroisse : bourg
Charges au sein de l'Eglise : scrypteur de la sainte office/traducteur
Date d'inscription : 19/11/2008

Fiche d'Etat-Civil
Baptisé(e): Non
Marié(e): Non
Mort(e): Non

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Reception of the Bishops and Archbishops Empty Re: Reception of the Bishops and Archbishops

Message par faheud Dim 17 Jan - 23:44

Greetings to the most worthy, noble, and blessed servants of the Church. I have made the long Pilgramage to Rome and ask the Pontifical blessings to access and maintain the registries of my dioscese of Brighton

En Servicio

Sir Faheud
Bishop of Brighton
Vice Primate of the English Episcopal Assembly

Nombre de messages : 2
Age : 54
Date d'inscription : 15/01/2010

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Reception of the Bishops and Archbishops Empty Re: Reception of the Bishops and Archbishops

Message par Arthur de Nivellus Lun 18 Jan - 10:13

I gave you your Monsignor accesses, I wish you a very good day and I thank you for your presence!

If you have the time, invite therefore your English-speaking colleagues to come to join us...

Je vous ai donné vos accès Monseigneur, Je vous souhaite une excellente journée et je vous remercie de votre présence!

Si vous avez le temps, invitez donc vos collègues anglophones à venir nous rejoindre...
Arthur de Nivellus
Arthur de Nivellus

Nombre de messages : 186
Age : 35
Paroisse : Vienne
Charges au sein de l'Eglise : Archevêque Métropolitain de Vienne, Vice Primat du CESE
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2008

Fiche d'Etat-Civil
Baptisé(e): Oui Oui
Marié(e): Ordonné(e) - Mariage impossible
Mort(e): Non

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Reception of the Bishops and Archbishops Empty Re: Reception of the Bishops and Archbishops

Message par teagan2 Jeu 19 Mai - 13:54

hello this is teagan

can i have access.

(i had previously registered under teagan, but long time ago forgot password and no longer have that email account)


Nombre de messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 19/05/2011

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Reception of the Bishops and Archbishops Empty Re: Reception of the Bishops and Archbishops

Message par Fitz Jeu 26 Mai - 20:45

Hello Mgr Teagan. Here are your keys. I'm sorry for the delay : i've just got the permission to give keys.

Please keep your registers up to date.

Nombre de messages : 197
Date d'inscription : 14/06/2010

Fiche d'Etat-Civil
Baptisé(e): Oui Oui
Marié(e): Ordonné(e) - Mariage impossible
Mort(e): Non

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Reception of the Bishops and Archbishops Empty Re: Reception of the Bishops and Archbishops

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