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Greetings from the Dioscese of Brighton, In the Province of Canterbury

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Greetings from the Dioscese of Brighton, In the Province of Canterbury Empty Greetings from the Dioscese of Brighton, In the Province of Canterbury

Message par faheud Lun 18 Jan - 13:33

Warm and fond greetings to all brothers and sisters of the faith who see these presents, and all who walk here after me.

I am just setting up our offices here in Rome and will over time seek to get:

1. All registries listed here for Sacriments

2. All clery in the dioscese listed here

3. All major events.

4. A travelling blog of my journies through the kingdoms

May the light of Jah bless my footsteps!

Nombre de messages : 2
Age : 54
Date d'inscription : 15/01/2010

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